On a purely material level, we've had to pare down as shops have been barred and certain goods unavailable, ie consumers are curtailed, finally! In the light of this, here's a document of shortcuts that have been my household staples over the years, a product of my rebellious streak that looks for ways to circumvent using the plethora of heavily promoted and ill-advertised STUFF that clogs up shop shelves and then our homes. Most of this stuff is damaging or even toxic to the planet via water systems or as air pollutants; it adds to our growing heaps of discarded, unnecessary packaging, and most certainly depletes our purses.
As ESSENTIAL is now the current buzzword, useful questions to ask are: is there anything less I can use or do without? Is there an easier way to do this?
Here are my go-to's, small ways of undercutting the consumer system. These essentials cover many bases, don't cost a lot and may even be available in bulk using simple packaging if you sleuth around your area.
Bicarbonate of soda (BICARB)
~mix with a few peppermint drops and use as a gentle tooth cleaner
~make a paste and apply to bee stings to neutralize pain
~shake into toilet bowls and spray with diluted white vinegar. The base+acid mix makes an effective fizzy cleaning medium and leaves the loo fresh.
~mildly abrasive, it cleans ovens and pots with the added fizz of vinegar.
VINEGAR - white or apple cider
Dilute plain vinegar with water and use in spray bottles to clean loos (with bicarb) or surfaces.
If you do not have a food processor, simply cut the pieces fairly small and push into a jar , top up with vinegar and leave to soak. I've heard the liquid works effectively in dish-washers.
Lemon and SALT
Mix roughly chopped lemon with coarse salt - enough to cover the lemon pieces generously. Leave in a covered jar for some weeks before using:
as a rub on troublesome skin spots
(some have used it on rashes)
as a rub to clean the scalp and hair -
then rinse out
to clean nails/ hands after rough work
Use just plain salt water to gargle as soon as there's a sign of a sore throat. Salt cleans and disinfects. Use as an everyday gargle/ mouthwash to look after gums and teeth.
All those small left over scraps of soap can be put in a jar with water and a toss of vinegar, covered and left to soften and then used in dispensers as hand wash.
Rat poison
Rats are survivors. We could learn from them! The available rat poison is totally toxic to owls and raptors that feed on these critters. We keep a bowl of cereal (like pronutro) mixed 50/50 with cement mix in their territory, safely hidden from domestic animals. Put a bowl of water nearby. It's a nasty underhand trick passed on - use with discretion and caution.
One of the greatest liberators was to stop using shampoo and see that the world did not fall apart! In fact, once hair is settled into the new ph-friendly management, it feels much the better for it. Helpful applications: a little bicarb initially (just a teaspoon) rubbed into the scalp, thoroughly rinsed with some diluted apple cider vinegar and lots of water. Once settled, it's best not to use bicarb too much because of its abrasive action. The citrus/ vinegar mix is great to use a cleaner, or even some lemon salt. I also soak rosemary and lavender herbs in apple cider vinegar to use in the hair wash.
see https://connectsongdance.blogspot.com/2019/08/plastic-bottle-eco-brick_22.html
Hot box
This is not a recipe site for food, but my one exception I'll include is MAAS! Making it oneself means no longer buying endless plastic containers each time. Maas is the term for thick, soured milk popular here in South African, and used as an equivalent to yogurt.
Heat to lukewarm about a liter of milk in a glass jar; add about 2 generous tablespoons of maas that you have, cover, put in a warm spot (sun is great) and leave for up to 24 hours until milk is thick. Stir and refrigerate. It's great for drinking, for adding to food, for baking; use like yogurt.
Lemon tea
Diatomaceous earth
Since discovering this element, courtesy of word-of-mouth, and located it in quantity, super-cheap, at a local agri-outlet, it remains an essential in the storeroom. The grey, fine powder is added to pet's food in small quantities from time to time and keeps internal parasites largely at bay. Sprinkled and massaged into their fur, it controls fleas and soft-bodied ticks. Added to chicken bedding, nesting boxes and dust baths, it controls mites and lice.
A fascinating natural, non-toxic product, it works by penetrating small soft bodies with its microscopic needle sharp abrasive properties.
Wood polish
To look after and maintain old wooden surfaces mix in 3 parts: vinegar, linseed oil and turps. Shake up and apply generously. This old recipe was passed on (like others) word of mouth from old carpenters who knew about wood. They also spoke highly of plain white wax floor polish.
Cheat 'paint'
Regular paint just does not adhere |
Living with 180 year old stone walls, I've discovered a useful trick: melt wax floor polish, add paint tint for colour and apply to walls with a soft cloth. The bright green
or red floor polish comes with a ready vivid colour which can be diluted with melted white wax.
takes on an arty, distressed look |
a mixture of yellow tinted and green polish |
Best of all, it's durable over time, easy to touch up when needed, impervious to damp and doesn't peel off as paint would.
yellow tinted wax polish around an inlaid mosaic |
Now can someone tell me, please, how to brew beer or more from MOLASSES??!
Liz Campbell is the sole writer and composer of all the published material on this blogsite, unless otherwise stated.
She has further blogsites:
songs for children http://connectsongdance.blogspot.com/
a collection of songs, poems and prose on the experience of loss, grief and recovery