Part-time music maker, sometime smallholder, other-time movement therapist,most time ordinary being

Friday 21 April 2017


  Jessam~Stones Hill ~Grahamstown ~Makhanda~South Africa   

Since 1840 this stone and wood
Through war and peace time have withstood;
Built for soldiers to convalesce
-         it still retains this air of rest-
For those who are in need of time out:
To read, to write, to practice fine art,
To reflect, to mull, to contemplate
To sit, to sing, to meditate.
Worn graciously through many years
It’s witnessed stories – these walls have ears!

Wayfarers are welcome here,
To use the stoep – to sit and stare
O’er rim of cup – the birds, the trees,The distant views, the sky, the bees.


Though rural quiet does abound,
The chicks and donkeys add their sound;
Giving eggs and manure, they’re entertaining
With cackling, crowing, posturing and braying.
To add to this merry milieu,
Expect a daily prelude or fugue
As Bach is a popular choice over here,

And music is frequently heard in the air.
But – be warned – far from being 5-star,
No luxury mod-cons (though masses of charm):
Simply we live, though now graced with solar~
The sun fuels our power, 'cos Eskom is over.
3 cheers for this system which works a treat;             
used wisely we find all our needs it will meet.
Though Jessam is first for healing and rest
It's also a hive of productiveness~
our unique !KOMBUCHA flows strong and deep;
and now magical, medicinal Sativa we reap,
for this green bush has so many uses
with excellent quality therapeutic juices. 
Even the donkeys are consigned a task-

they are the mowers who chomp on the grass.

Stayers who shower for less than 5 minutes
Will always be welcome for long-staying visits,
As water is precious and tops in this place –
We watch every drop and re-use with no waste.
We also look after our own septic tank-
(richer by far than what’s found in a bank);
The lush looking garden with veggies that thrive
Are abundant with fruit – no surprise why.
Better still, we love those who can handle a broom;
These stayers can clean up their very own room.
 So, if you’re in need of time out close to nature,
This spacious, creative and beautiful acre
Could well be a place for you to offload,
Mountain Drive on the doorstep and town down the road.

To find out more details, do drop a line from
You to

Stoep with a view

Liz Campbell is the sole writer and composer of all the published material on this blogsite, unless otherwise stated.

She has further blogsites:
   songs for children

   a collection of songs, poems and prose on the experience of loss, grief and recovery 






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